Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Palace of Fine Art's

The Palace of Fine Art's
15 x 22

The grounds are so captivating. The Palace of Fine Arts - houses art from the Renaissance to Modern, and is the work of California architect Bernard Maybeck. Maybeck's fantastic creation is inspired by a Piranesi engraving featuring a Roman ruin reflected in a pool.

The painting was completed by me today just in time to enter it into the Pacific Art League's October Exhibit. The theme for October is
Landscapes, Seascapes & Urbanscapes
I will know by September 22nd if the piece was accepted.

Keeping the brushes wet,

#17 Dancing

# 17
Dancing in the moonlight

Friday, September 12, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

#11 and The Artist Way

Having started several things one at a time but not enough time to have created a habit. So maybe they were started all at once.
So I started doing this daily drawing, quick sketch, painting whatever it is that I do that day. So I started.
And then I stopped
BUT while stopped I did complete a painting and framed another.


And then so I started again today 09/03 with #11.

And here are the others that for some reason (me) never made it on the blog.

Tonight I start the workbook “The Artist Way” by Julia Cameron

The Artist Way (TAW) is a spiritual path to higher creativity. Week One starts with, “Recovering a sense of safety.” It sounds like a lot of work we’ll see. Tonight I’m reading Week One and for the rest of the week, for the following 11 or 12 weeks, for the weeks to come I will be reading on Wed. night  and every day I will be journaling, taking myself on an artist date, reading the Basic Principles and working through the weeks selected tasks.

I welcome any and all feed back.
In gratitude,

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Degrees of Abstraction

Degrees of Abstraction, is an open invitation to all artist living in the United States. An online invitation and juried show by the Santa Cruz Art League.

I don't consider myself to be an abstract artist, however I do have some pieces that I have painted this year that I thought (fingers crossed) might fall into that category.

This first piece was painted in late March. Painted in a vibrant yet delicate palette - offering the feeling of movement while keeping your eyes on the page. It has a solid composition and offers the viewer a nice repetitive motion throughout the painting.

Floral Energy
30 x 22
Teresa Beyer

I have challenged myself to draw something everyday. Through the end of 2014 thinking that I could do a little drawing in 15 or 20 minutes. What has happened is that I've been painting instead of sketching. The following two pieces came from an experiment - creating textured paper by soaking it, adding some paint and crumpling it into a ball and letting it dry. 

Two hearts - a soulful embrace that created this heart shape. And yes I know abstracts are for the viewer to decide what they see. So I developed the heart maybe pushed the outcome to read as a heart. 

The textured paper reminds me of a distressed metal of some sort and offers a rich texture. Studying the piece my eye stays on the paper meaning that my eye isn't led off the page. My eyes land on the shoulders and then my eye travels down to the abdomen's, then over to the left and up to the necks and chins. Circling around. Maybe more cubist than abstract.

Two Heart's
15 x 11
Water soluble graphite
Teresa Beyer

This third piece is curious because one of the lovers is upside down. As I paint I turn the painting on the different sides so I had to decide which end was up. It can be changed of course. A beautiful yet delicate piece, almost feeling their breath. The texture in this painting is a bit subdued. Offering the viewer a bit of mysticism. Again this piece may be a tad more on the cubist genre than the abstract.

The Kiss
15 x 11
Teresa Beyer

So now I'm really keeping my fingers crossed that one of them is accepted. All who entered the show will find out on the 19th. 

As always, keeping the brushes wet,