Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Beast

I'm working on a 3/D project right now that I'm really excited about and I'm documenting the process . . . so a work that is in progress.

I decided to work on the Sad face first so I could really flow with the piece and just let it happen. And I did and it did. It was spontaneous and fresh, exciting and fun.

And then while journaling . . . while journaling this morning and looking at the piece so far, it became quite obvious that she is no longer Sad, she has become The Beast.

22 x 15

How does one become The Beast? Slowly over several years her friends and family neglect Beauty. She then suffers from massive loneliness. Like an old dog scavenging the streets a dog everyone avoids and no one wants. Sitting in the shelter counting down the hours.

Old and useless, alone friends and family going on with their own busy lives, forgetting her and how lonely she must be. No one is reaching out, forgotten and cast aside. Many relate to this pain and grief and look away not wanting to really look at themselves.

22 x 15

Years later after many tests of love and letting go the beast has once again returned to love – this time with boundaries and familiar yet foreign love – allowing and encouraging beauty to blossom.

Beauty blossoming and living a life she always dreamed of.

A life dreamed of and so much more. A life where Beauty is well loved and nurtured for who she is. And encouraged to grow in the direction of her dreams. Beauty grows and thrives as an artist of the spirit. Love is an amazing healer and Beauty now lives with a very powerful love and healer.

Today I was able to work just a bit on beauty, life is in full gear today in my life and I will be taking a few days off to celebrate Love and Life.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Artist Way - Week 7 and a Jealousy 4th step

The Artist Way - Week 7 and a Jealousy 4th step

Week 7: Recovering a Sense of Connection

This week is a practice of right attitudes for creativity.

The emphasis this week is on receptive skills as well as active skills.

We can learn not only to listen but also to hear with increasing accuracy that inspired, intuitive voice that says, “Do this, try this, say this . . . “

Being faithful to my journaling is teaching me that it is a powerful tool. Journaling three pages every morning (almost every morning) helps me to listen and hear my intuitive voice. And I am learning to recognize my intuitive voice and learning to hear it and act upon it. Writing out my problems or fears and coming to an understanding of them. As well as finding a solution or acceptance them, in my personal life as well as my artistic life.

Following this intuitive voice and really acting on it – has so much juice to it. Encouraging growth and confidence.

But all is not well in the land of TAW. I am so guilty of not taking my artist on dates. And when I do I see how inspiring it is and how it feeds me full of creativity and curiosity.

The following is a quote from the book as well as a wonderful reminder.


PERFECTIONISM I always thought was about getting it right. Now I understand how perfectionism can be a ball and chain for me. And what I heard was make mistakes make lots of them. Stop trying to make it perfect and follow the flow of whatever it is I’m doing. Don’t get me wrong there are still lots of decisions to be made and things to mull over regarding composition, color and so on but once I get started I now let go and stay in the flow. Not worrying about if it’s right but more about enjoying the process.

Michael Angelo must have been deeply in touch with his intuition and followed this as he released The David. I’m not comparing my work to that of Michael Angelo just the experience maybe.

And then came JEALOUSY a normal human emotion. The book asks us to do what looks like a 4th step on jealousy. Racking my brain trying to think of an artist or a friend or even celebrity that I was jealous of! I came up empty handed. Until I thought of the relationship someone close to me has with her grandchildren. And then I remembered how much it is costing her and I couldn’t be jealous of her either.

Also I’m starting to notice some synchronicity. The one that is screaming at me is this. This chapter is about letting go of perfectionism and learning and growing from our mistakes. Several days ago or maybe a week ago or a bit more I came across a wonderful quote by Neil Gaiman.

It is so appropriate for the time of year as well. And so here it is

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're Doing Something.

So that's my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody's ever made before. Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.

Whatever it is you're scared of doing, Do it.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever.

Keeping the brushes wet,

Thursday, December 4, 2014

It's challenging being your own boss ~

Light & Dark
3/D in watercolor

Sometimes it is quite challenging for me to be my own boss! It's been raining and I've been cooped up not really leaving for anything.

So today when the there was a break in the clouds - I went for a really nice long walk. Felt so good. The ground is soaked and muddy so a lot of vegetation I think got a good drink.

And so I didn't really get started on a new painting or sketch. At least I'm not a slave driver.

I would really like to have a piece accepted in the Los Altos Town Hall Show through the SCVWS. I thought I might do a 3/D piece. Any thoughts for a complimentary piece? I did this one a couple of years a go. Complimentary type of scheme.

Keeping the brushes wet,

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Walking the Road

Walking the Road

15 x 22
Watercolor on Arches 300lb cold press

  Making so many moves in the past few years has put a strain on me as an artist and in other areas of my life. It has also given me the knowledge of how and what to do to establish one’s self in a new community.
  Being in the middle of the holiday season and at the close of yet another year I found myself walking through so many emotions while remembering so many people. And cried the tears of a clown for those loved ones that I have lost.
  No one see’s the emotional pain and grief we suffer, that we alone carry.  Why hold on to something or someone that controls us, or tries to. Letting the decisions of others haunt and control our otherwise well being and beautiful life. A life filled with friends and family a promising road of companionship, love and laughter.
  A life filled with creativity, and travel?
  Let it go – let go of that – that doesn’t serve. The sorrow and anger, it serves no purpose but to poison the spirit.
  Let it go – and join those who celebrate life! A life with me in it.
  Walking a road less travelled is at times very lonely and difficult. We each have our own path, this path our individual experiences and the way we respond is what grows us into who we are meant to be.
  That small voice inside – our little GPS the intuitive voice. Listen to it. It is the accumulation of generations of wisdom.

  Finally – I am home. Home now in the Bay area the Silicon Valley in Northern CA. Living with a powerful healer and lover. Surrounded by friends and family and my four legged furry family.

  Creating and establishing myself AGAIN!

Currently I have several pieces hanging through December 31’s at;

The Original House of Pancakes
420 S. San Antonio Rd
Los Altos, CA 94022

And I will be hanging from May 1, 2015 thru June 30th 2015 at;

The Bean Scene
500 Castro
Mountain View Preforming Arts
Mountain View, CA 94041

I am the lead photographer for the –
Santa Clara Valley Watercolor Society aka SCVWS and I am also the Events co-chair. The two volunteer positions offer several things. The opportunity to contribute to the community, meet other artist and jurors, as well as the owners of several venues. Should be fun.

The SCVWS has a juried exhibit coming up at the Los Altos Town Hall. This is a juried event. On line registration begins January 2nd 2015 thru February 13th 2015.

Thank you all for taking the time to be a part of my journey.
Walking the road of a happy destiny.

Keeping the brushes wet,