22 x 15
Teresa Beyer
unframed $300
When I moved back into the San Fernando Valley (my childhood stomping ground)in April of 2013 I was flat broke. A fellow artist had invited me to live in his studio apt. that he and his wife had built above a one car garage in a beautiful and upscale neighborhood in Studio City. I will always remember and appreciate this generous act of kindness and will pay it forward whenever I have the opportunity.
My full time job was to find a job and at this point I was willing to do just about anything. I had the loving support of a long time friend and fellow artist but that was about it.
There was an AA hall across the street where I met and found a wonderful sponsor who was launching a private non AA womans support group and invited me to participate.
I accepted this wonderful invitation and now I was well on my way to healing my fragile state of being. One of the many exercises we did was to create a list of attributes of our ideal partner.
My list had 27 things on it. Today I live in the Silicon Valley with a friend of 42 years. And guess what? My friend and lover has 26 of the things on that list. Pretty incredible and mind blowing stuff.
Being so well loved - has helped me to regain much of what I thought was lost forever.
Such as self esteem and confidence, emotional support to be an artist. Something that I could never have done alone while working full time just to survive.
I am so grateful to Mr. G.K. for giving me a place to stay and my beautiful sponsor that showed me in order to attract the caliber of partner I wanted, I too had to be a worth while partner. And also to my beautiful friend Christine who was always there for me and my prayer partner Trey.
Today I am so grateful to Dr. D.B.K. for inviting me to share our lives.
The emotional support I receive from The Doc has given me the strength and courage to establish myself in a thriving and competitive art community while developing a body of work and improving and growing as an artist.
Working on paintings and marketing, emerging and growing, living and loving. And always remembering to maintain a state of gratitude. Because we always get more of what we focus on.
As always I am keeping the brushes wet,
With gratitude,
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